“Ottomans meet the Baroque World”

A collaboration between Kudsi Erguner and the Finnish Baroque Orchestra (FiBO)


The word baroque has usually been used to refer to irregular, asymmetric, or -according to Jean-Jacques Rousseau - to mixed harmonies, too many modulations or even dissonance. In the light of these definitions, for the Western world, not only the music of the 17th and 18th century but even the Ottoman music could have been considered “baroque”.

Concept, Direction of behalf of MiklagårdArts : Ceyda Berk-Söderblom



The ney flute master, one of the most inspiring musicians of the Sufi tradition Kudsi Erguner will meet soloists of the Finnish Baroque Orchestra. A musical journey towards a repertoire that will consist of compositions from the same historical period of two separate worlds, the Sufi tradition, and Baroque. The musicians will juxtapose the different musical languages of the East and the West and explore similarities and differences of harmonies and maqams and blends the singing techniques of the two cultures.